
HuffPo: Crazy About Health

Cato the Elder7/29/2009 9:42:35 pm PDT

re: #263 Erik The Red

Hey Cato, I don’t give a flying fuck about his “holistic” shit. When may neck and back hurt so bad I wanted to cry like a baby and coul’td stand up straight he was able to sort me out in half an hour. NO DRUGS.

You don’t give a f.f. about his bogus self-aggrandizing nonsensical tripe, but then you quote his BS bio in extenso above as some kind of proof of his qualifications. And you treat a real doctor here like he’s on the same level as someone who has “received Fundamental, Intermediate and Advanced training in Ericksonian Hypnosis”. Please pardon my failure to be impressed.

re: #275 Erik The Red

20 minutes of his 30 minute session was massage. Heat, hands etc…

As I said - massage. Nothing that requires a pseudo-“doctor” title or any of the rest of it.

Let me be clear: If it works for you, I’m glad. My masseuse could probably do the same for you without the poseur prose and posturing preening puffery. Or the pumped-up price. But whatever makes you feel comfortable.

Night, all. Don’t let any ex-Marines (or phys. ed. teachers) crack your neck at the bar.