
Overnight Bird

NJDhockeyfan11/18/2009 6:49:42 am PST

PETA Vs. Al Gore!!

Just ahead of Al Gore’s stop this week in Portland, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has challenged the former vice president to back his green talk by giving up meat.

At Gore’s book discussion Wednesday night at Keller Auditorium, PETA warns that the former vice president will be faced down by a “nearly naked ‘Mother Earth‘ ” and PETA supporters holding signs that say “Meat’s Not Green.”

“More and more, we are hearing about the damage that meat production does to our water supply, the forests and the global climate,” PETA says in a news release. “In light of these reports, we are asking Mr. Gore simply to try going vegetarian for 30 days. If he were to stick with it for a year, he could save more than 100 animals’ lives — and maybe even his own.”
