
The Proudly Ignorant Party

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion4/07/2010 2:50:52 pm PDT

re: #253 pharmmajor

I think you’re looking at the fringe (which every group has) and interpreting them as the majority. And as I’ve mentioned earlier, the Tea Parties were hijacked by the right-wing kooks and corrupted from the more rational libertarian base.

Nice try but no the entire LP is the fringe. When I was in the LP there were 2 types of “libertarians”. People who said shit with a straight face that would make Art Bell or David Icke blush, and people who wanted pot to be legalized and didn’t give 2 shits about anything else. Rational libertarians (small-L) don’t associate with the LP. They are independents who hold their noses voting for the least offensive D or R candidate and are not swayed by easily debunked conspiracy theories.

And as for not being AGW-deniers but “skeptics” we know this is bullshit. Being skeptical of the proposed solutions is fine (I am), but being skeptical of the science at this point is garbage and only excusable for people who live under a rock. If you are ignoring the fact that your talking points have been debunked already, and you continue to spew them, you are a denier.