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Gus6/11/2010 6:20:10 pm PDT

Another “Western” Leftist group.

Free Gaza

In Free Gaza’s reading of history:

* Israel’s creation in 1948 was a “catastrophe” for the Arab world, causing “the overwhelming majority of Palestinians” to be “forcibly evicted from their ancestral homeland”;
* Israel continues, “n contravention of International law, human rights, and basic principles of morality … to deny these refugees and their descendants their right to return home”;
* the very existence of a Jewish state is the result of a grave “historic injustice”;
* the “illegal appropriation of Palestinian land, home and heritage is at the heart of the Middle East conflict”;
* Israel is guilty of “land theft” and an “ongoing ethnic cleansing that has squeezed Palestinians in the West Bank into ghettos and bantustans surrounded by 27-foot walls, sniper towers, and military guards”; and
* Gaza is essentially an “open-air prison” with an “impoverished and overcrowded population.”

Among FG’s foremost demands are the following:

* “Israel must withdraw its military presence from all territories occupied since June 5, 1967 and revoke all legislation, regulations, directives and practices that apply differently to different populations living in those territories.”
* “Israel must demolish all barriers built to restrict passage in all territories occupied by Israel since June 5, 1967.”
* “[A]ll Palestinian refugees and exiles and their heirs [must be permitted] to return to their homes in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories; to recover their properties, and to receive compensation for damage, dispossession and unlawful use of such property.”