
Overnight Video: The Emancipation of Prince

Kragar7/26/2012 10:14:32 am PDT

Horowitz: Abedin May Have Been ‘Given a Special Dispensation to Marry a Jew so She can Infiltrate our Government’

David Horowitz told American Family Association president Tim Wildmon yesterday that Weiner has either “secretly converted to Islam or Huma Abedin has been given a special dispensation to marry a Jew so she can infiltrate our government.” He lamented Republican criticism of attacks on Abedin at a time when Democrats have already been “thoroughly infiltrated and defending the jihadists”:

Horowitz: The inquiry; the fact that Michele Bachmann has been attacked as she has by Republicans, and the two key ones are McCain and John Boehner, is terrible. It’s bad enough that the Democratic Party is thoroughly infiltrated and defending the jihadists, the Islamists. But that the Republican Party should be doing this as well, it’s disastrous.

Wildmon: Michele Bachmann, the congresswoman from Minnesota is being demonized in the national media and what is happened here is that—and I’ve read about this a year ago or so—Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, her right hand person, who is married to disgraced Anthony Weiner—

Horowitz: Anthony Weiner is a Jew. So according to Muslim law, either Anthony Weiner has secretly converted to Islam or Huma Abedin has been given a special dispensation to marry a Jew so she can infiltrate our government.

Horowitz also claimed that Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution is to blame for the rise of the “dangerous” left because it makes people want to seek change in the world they live in: