
Photo of the Day: First Lady and Daughters at the Great Wall of China

Rightwingconspirator3/24/2014 6:44:57 am PDT

Good Morning from 3 Lizard lair. Got my own little reminder of practical physics yesterday. I was recording a little “casting shop physics” thing I have been working on. Our biz uses various fuel gases and we like to promote hydrogen as a clean and relatively safe gas to mix with oxygen for torch melt.

So I decided the safest way to demo hydrogen as a light gas that will float up and away was to fill a plastic bag with H, tape it floating and ignite is. So after a couple tries we set up the GoPro on 4k mode at 15 frames per second. The bag was losing gas and I moved to refill it with gas from a still warm (not hot) torch. Er, oops.

I got these two spectacular stills.



So, my left hand no longer has any hair on it. But no burns.