
New From Seth Meyers: Markets Plunge as Trump Lies About Coronavirus Response [VIDEO]

lawhawk3/10/2020 8:23:21 am PDT

re: #279 Danack

I don’t think that is an accurate comparison, because of maths.

The US has a higher population, so the number of cases needs to be scaled by that factor first, and then compared in it’s growth.

The good news is that probably gives the US an extra week to limit transmission, for which limiting proximity to other people is the main thing.

The bad news, is that I don’t think the US is going to use that time effectively.

Exhibit A:

You’re measuring two separate things.

Cases growing in a population will grow regardless of the size of the population. It’s doing a doubling along known scales that the experts can measure and predict.

The difference is when it becomes a tipping point and breaks the health care system - it comes much sooner in Italy than the US due to smaller size, fewer hospitals, doctors, and potentially available resources.

We are likely to see the same case progression here in the US as in Italy, and while Italy may contain due to the lockdown, it doesn’t appear anyone in Trumpworld is willing to go against Trump who demands we just get on with our lives without caring about the consequences of doing nothing.