
The Top 10 Signs Of Evolution In Modern Man

Davehm1/14/2009 6:02:06 pm PST

re: #294 Yashmak

good points Yashmak but I would like to add

1. Coming from parents doesn’t mean anything, everyone who is alive came from parents.
2. Animals don’t build altars, people do there’s a difference
3. Jr. and Sr. high school kids are the ones getting the message.
4. a lot to cover here, I never said that science was trying to kill God or explain away afterlife and when it comes to evolution no one has ever witnessed the DNA from one species turn into the DNA of another species.
Last but not least I’ve never taken Prozac in my life, unfortunately a lot of kids in our government school system are on some form of antidepressant or another…and parents wonder why?