
Caltech Study: CO2 At Highest Level in 15 Million Years

woodentop10/20/2009 4:42:56 pm PDT

re: #293 LudwigVanQuixote

This sort of language is from RealClimate, can’t you take it back there?

There are plenty of reasons to query the current “consensus” on the link between CO2 and global temperatures, some touched on above. None of them involve Intelligent Design or belief in God, both of which seem to have become conflated with the issue in the US - and on this site, which I find somewhat disappointing.

I can inform you that in the UK at least, ID and God play no part in the debate (such as it is): on the contrary, the religious zealotry appears to come from those pushing the paradigm, not from those of a skeptical bent.

Downding sir.