
Joe the Plumber: 'McCain Used Me'

Gus2/15/2010 12:10:37 am PST

re: #287 iceweasel

I’m with you on this, but Americans use eggs in everything. It’s a major issue for me. At 4 dollars a dozen, or thereabouts, suddenly eggs are a luxury food.
Cakes need eggs. Lots of things do. And Americans use eggs as a binding ingredient in, well, lots of stuff.

I always thought of eggs as a cheap food (in the US, they are). Suddenly it isn’t.
I’m not some Whole Foods shopper even if I could afford it. The attitude pisses me off.
And i do think that battery farming is horrific. Even so— when even battery farmed eggs are like 4 dollars for 12, that isn’t helping poor people on a budget get nutrition.

I can’t help but think of chickens now. The life of a chicken in human terms is horrific regardless. That is being a chicken in the wilds is wrought with dangers from predators, disease, and climate. I’m pretty sure the average life of a factory farm chicken is far more comfortable than a wild chicken in Honduras. Plus, if I’m going to start worrying about chickens I might as well start worrying about bacteria and other life forms including pests and bugs since for the most part all of those lower forms of life are equal.

None of this will help the poor. Their elitist argument will be that it will help the poor lower their obesity numbers by limiting the amount they can spend in this example, on eggs. The wealthy will still be able to get the dozen eggs for four dollars a dozen and have champagne with their breakfast while toasting themselves towards their accomplishment of finding justice through their free range chicken eggs.

Even if that might not really be the case. They’ll still feel good about it and Tweet Ashton Kutcher while they’re at it while listening to the latest Bono song right before finishing breakfast and shopping for another BMW M5.