
Cordoba House Developers: 'Hamas Does Not and Will Not Speak For Us'

Spare O'Lake8/16/2010 6:00:40 pm PDT

re: #249 Lidane

Because it’s not his fucking obligation to kiss the asses of every anti-Muslim bigot in this country who think that he automatically agrees with Hamas because he’s a Muslim. That’s why.

He’s a Sufi Muslim, for fuck’s sake. Do you even know what a Sufi is? Radical terrorist groups like Hamas and Al Qaeda would be just as quick to attack a Sufi mosque/community center as they would anyone else because it’s seen as the wrong kind of Islam. All the hysterical idiots screaming about this “Ground Zero mosque” can’t seem to get that concept through their thick skulls. It’s maddening.

Denouncing Hamas = asskissing bigots?
Good fucking grief, man.