
Alex Jones Says Aurora Shooting Was Staged By Obama

Rightwingconspirator7/21/2012 8:34:39 am PDT

I can easily imagine a similar argument being made about the 1st amendment. Hate speech, propaganda, all the hateful ways speech can incite violence. Also written on animal skin with iron filings for ink.

The writer sets aside the fact the these amendments are part of the Bill Of Rights. The inviolable set of amendments that were in fact intended to be permanent. But lets move past the amendments.

I have a question for anyone who would ban possession of firearms.

What would you leave available for vulnerable innocent people to turn to in the event of assault, rape, or robbery? Those single women living alone? People who must make cash deposits from their small business? My wife has arthritis since childhood. No way can she defend herself even if she had training. (Which her joints would not withstand anyway)

What standing does self defense really have? To me it’s as basic as air and water.