
New Obama Web Ad feat. Lena Dunham Sends Right Wing into Fainting Couch Frenzy

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)10/25/2012 9:06:19 pm PDT

Anyhow, what I hate is when so called originalists try to claim they’re doing what the founders intended. Unless you’re having a group seance with all the men who signed the Constitution, you have no way of knowing you’re doing what the founders intended. Plus, figure in the fact that the founders had different views. After all, that’s why we had to have the Great Compromise that ended up giving one legislative house two representatives even (The Senate) and the other based on population (The House.) And of course the infamous 3/5’s compromise too. Plus the later fights after the Constitution was created whether to have a Bill of Rights or not. Those who wanted a Bill of Rights I think were proven correct ultimately. Hell, let’s not forget that some of the Founders were perfectly content with the Articles of Confederation. Patrick Henry, who from what I understand has a huge right wing following now didn’t want to ratify the new document. Anyhow history major rant off but I really resent when pseudo historians try to act like the Founders always agreed.