
Monday Night Funk: VULFPECK, "Business Casual" (Feat. Coco O.)

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈2/20/2018 9:22:44 am PST

Don Jr. Advises President Trump After School Shooting: Don’t Go Wobbly on Guns (The Daily Beast)

As President Donald Trump surveys aides and guests at his resort at Mar-a-Lago about what to do about gun control in the wake of another school shooting, one voice close to him is advising that he not give in to those calling for stricter measures.

Donald Trump Jr., the president’s eldest son, has been assuring his dad that the right move was to stay strong on gun rights and draw a hard line on the issue that helped propel him in the 2016 election. He is among the host of people talking to the president in the wake of the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, which resulted in the death of 17 people. But the fact that he is family makes his access more personal and his guidance more trusted.

Don Jr. is a sociopath who likes to kill intelligent animals.