
Seth Meyers: Trump Distances Himself From Sidney Powell Amid Another Surprise Guilty Plea in GA

Joe Bacon ✅10/24/2023 8:24:33 am PDT

He doesn’t want it.

The Case for Arnold Schwarzenegger Being Speaker of the House

With the U.S. House of Representatives still without a speaker after three weeks—and with no end in sight to the drama—The New Abnormal co-host Andy Levy has someone in mind.

“There’s nothing in the rules that says the speaker has to be a member of Congress. And that’s why we’ve been hearing Donald Trump’s name floated,” Lexy explains.

“I think I have the right pick. I think it should be Arnold Schwarzenegger. Because he has experience being a kindergarten cop.”

Levy adds Schwarzenegger is perfect for the role because it’s like “trying to keep a bunch of kindergarten kids in line and letting them know when it’s nap time and when they have to drink their milk and whatever.”

Arnold would rather play chess on the tables at Santa Monica Beach.