
The Creationist in Charge of Texas Education

tjexcite3/09/2009 4:57:11 pm PDT

Which is worse a creationist or a global warming alarmist in charge of education.

The AGW alarmist stops all paper use at the school and only one square in the bathroom. They use electronic or white boards on the desks. It has solar cells on the roofs. No plastic bottles at all (sugary, water etc). Bio fuel in all the buses that turns to wax in the cold if they even have buses not making everyone walk even teachers. And compost in every class room even a septic system to save water which is then use for watering the grounds. One must even have a wind power generation on school land some where. I am sure I am missing things that they could do to harm.

Just wait until someone who graduates from a school system with a creationist in charge tries to get into a university for a real science degree they would laugh at them.