
Will Obama Prosecute CIA Officials or Won't He?

der_ich4/22/2009 12:01:28 pm PDT

No one is above the law. This should indeed be the case I find it repulsive that so many here argue against this basic principle of a
- well - a state with the rule of law.

Also the argument that I saw made here, that the Clinton administration saw itself above the law and acted accordingly just does not stick. So the misbehaviour of one government sanctifies any wrongdoings in the future? You that you despise Clinton want to be like him?

I think it is a lame excuse of those professionals to say that they just followed orders. If that is really all they can do and don’t have their own moral compass and the ability to think and judge for themselves, then they should be fired as fast as possible anyway. A secret service has no use for such kind of people. BTW: The last time I heard this argument was by the soldiers at the Berlin wall, who killed the poor bastards who tried to flee from communist Eastern Germany. Those low levels of morality should not be something we decent to.

There is no reason to be afraid of the law. US judges and juries will be able to judge whether and in which cases certain acts were unlawful and they will also be able to take into account the intentions behind such acts and the pressure of “ticking bombs” the CIA officers were exposed to.