
Overnight Open Thread

iceweasel6/01/2009 3:21:29 am PDT

re: #271 srb1976

I’m not sure about in adults, but in small children (up to I think age 5?) cholesterol is important to brain development…..don’t know all the details…sorry

I can believe it.

I know hardly anything about nutrition. I know just enough to know that it’s very complicated and that a person can’t simply eliminate all meat from their diet, or all meat and dairy and eggs like vegans, unless they really know what they’re doing. You have to make sure you’re making up those deficiencies by taking the requisite vitamin supplements and whatever else.

As was said above, we evolved as omnivores. It doesn’t mean we *have* to be carnivores, but those deficiencies have to be made up.

I learned this the hard way.