
Onion: New Law Requires Women To Name Baby, Paint Nursery Before Getting Abortion

avanti1/15/2010 9:36:55 pm PST

re: #278

Some here know this, others don’t.
My daughter was pregnant at 15.
Whatever sin she committed with her boyfriend is one she’ll have to work out with God.
But the mere fact of her being pregnant was not sinful, not one bit.
She had a difficult time with stupid and unkind people.
This includes the principal of her school, who I had to fight tooth and nail, as they kept wanting me to take her out of school and put her in a different school! Can you imagine?

At any rate - your story hit a nerve with me.

My wife’s sister became pregnant with a black boyfriend and her stepfather has never wanted a thing to do with her or the kid since, and he’s a joy.