
Overnight Open Thread

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)3/05/2010 6:34:14 am PST

re: #252

Yeah, and from a management perspective inside the company, I cringed every time we had to lay of a senior guy during this recession, because I knew exactly how hard he’d be to replace. I’ve kept tabs on every single guy who’s been let go who was an awesome performer, and I’ve managed to get two of them back in the company by noticing new openings that fit them, and letting the recruiter know.

Our company also has been very generous with layoff benefits— we lay people off on the first so they have a whole month to do medical stuff before COBRA, and generally give people three month’s salary. We do this because our company is a little volatile, and layoffs weren’t uncommon even before the recession.

This means that we’ve managed to keep an overall staff quality that’s amazing. It’s my favorite place I’ve ever worked, for that reason.

/now if we could quit making stuff that we haven’t actually found a market for, that’d be great.