
Just One More Rush Limbaugh Racist Remark

Chaplain3/10/2010 10:22:03 pm PST

re: #294 Chaplain

I see. Well, rest assured I am no sockpuppet. I was actually putting off some work tonight that I was supposed to get done and for some odd reason felt like commenting on some threads to pass the time while I sat here avoiding work (reasonable enough right?).

I think it was the comment I posted where I was jesting that Charles had left the republican party a long time ago and linked to a Hot Air article that I found with Google search saying something to that very effect. I figured if anything completely vitriolic were to be found on the web it would be found at Hot Air and linked it without looking at the author. I apologize if it was a Robert Stacy McCain article (still not sure since it is now deleted) and I want everyone to know I am against this hateful man and everything the SPLC represents.

*correction I am against everything the SNLS not the SPLC represents*