
Gingrich Calls for Ban on Sharia Law, Which is Just About to Take Over

jamesfirecat9/20/2010 8:00:35 am PDT

re: #292 sattv4u2

and btw ,, it works in businesses across the world. Hold the line on spending (payroll,,, outsourcing ,, etc) ,, do more inhouse instead of contracting it out ,,etc etc

Here’s the problem.

Businesses are already doing that.

When businesses do that, jobs dry up… the economy starts to slow down.

Fewer people have jobs, so fewer people have money to spend on things.

Fewer people buying things mean that the demand for goods goes down and so people start making fewer things and the cycle keeps spinning itself over and over again.

Its the governments job to prime the pump and get some money into people’s pockets while hopefully also providing some infrastructure of value at the same time through stimulus spending.

If the government doesn’t start up our economy who will?