
Chris Matthews on Glenn Beck and Frank Gaffney

researchok2/03/2011 7:24:17 pm PST

You are trying to split hairs.

Indoctrination in the Arab world (and that after all is what we are talking about) starts at a very early age.

See Lawrence Kelemen’s Learning From Sadism.

The point of indoctrination is indeed to indoctrinate. I never even remotely suggested that all indoctrination was societal. My remarks were in the context of the convewrsation.

Military indoctrination is very different in that in the west, that is usually voluntary.

In repressive nations, military indoctrination picks up where cultural and societal indoctrination leaves off. It is a continuation.

We were discussing Arab world indoctrination.

Please see what the Saudi blogger has to say and read Keleman’s article.