
Joe Satriani, Flying in a Blue Dream

Ziggy_TARDIS2/11/2011 8:01:40 pm PST

re: #294 ProLifeLiberal

Algeria has had a brutal history in recent times. They fought a massive war of independence against France, which resulted in the death of 1 million people. After that, the nation was ruled by various General with one coup after another, until 1991 when election were held, which were won by the Islamic Action Front. As a result, the president suspended parliament and made Islamist parties illegal. This caused a Civil War which resulted in the deaths of somewhere between 150k-200k. Since then, terrorism has been somewhat frequent in the country.

Yet, it is still more developed that Morocco. I’m guessing the reason for this is the previous King, Hassan II, being overly power hungry. But they are beginning to make reasonably large gains now, though they still lag behind. (Development judged from HDI)

I really need to pay more attention when I type.