
Uh Oh: Third Ex-Employee Claims She Was Sexually Harassed by Cain

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)11/02/2011 5:29:24 pm PDT

re: #286 talon_262

This is my favorite comment:

Isn’t it amazing that these four guys were snatched in the nick of time, for allegedly planning an attack, from a fictional novel, that the writer of which plainly gave notice that it was a fictional story. And they did it just when the GOVERNMENT was about to be hung out to dry for the GOVERNMENT FUNDED delivery of firearms to the cartels in Mexico, after the murder of a federal officer in the desert proctecting you from those very same cartels and criminals. But now… Oh Geezzzz, the government…
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I love how it’s all-caps evil GOVERNMENT when it’s something he doesn’t like, but it’s nice soft ‘federal’ when it’s something he does like.

I also like that he points out that a novel depicting a second civil war in the US is fictional.