
Live Video: President Obama Speaks on Counterterrorism Policies

A Mom Anon5/23/2013 3:23:19 pm PDT

re: #292 SidewaysQuark

Keeping people in abject poverty and perpetual war is part of the problem, IMO. Terrorism has less of a chance to fester and grow if people are educated and have some sort of a shot at creating stable homes and families. I don’t think it’s possible to eradicate terrorism entirely, but if people have something to fight for(as in a stable community, safe schools, decent basic infrastructure, access to a healthy food supply,etc) rather than to fight against(“western civilization”,other nations invading theirs, or leaders who use fear and hatred to control the people-with promises of a way out of poverty),terrorist groups have less of a chance to take hold.

History tells us that no religion is immune to abuse in these ways. Fear of The Other is a very common tactic and it works best on people who have lost hope of anything getting better.