
Family Research Council's Tony Perkins: Gay Rights Will Lead to the Extinction of Humanity

CuriousLurker1/13/2014 5:52:21 pm PST

Just stopping by to drop off a couple of sanity check pics to help put things back in perspective and remind you what’s really important: feline overlords.

Meet Timmy. Timmy wants something and he wants it NOW, so stop screwing around with your stupid human stuff already.

Timmy the cat

More photos of Timmy
Photographer’s Flickr Photostream: zweiff

Also meet this guy, Stripes the Tomcat, who’s basically a honey badger:

Neighborhood Tomcat

A family several doors down from us has, over the years, taken in numerous neighborhood cats. Irresponsible neighbors from the surrounding streets frequently let their cats roam free and these particular neighbors have made a habit of putting out food for the wandering cats. Over the years, several of these cats have officially adopted them. The most notorious is this Tomcat, Stripes. He’s a huge male and likes to sun himself in the middle of the sidewalk in front of their house, refusing to move for anyone, people or dogs included. He’s really a nice guy, but has learned the power of intimidation over the years and clearly owns his patch of sidewalk. Twice daily, he also goes on walks with the patriarch of the family and the family dog. While the dog and owner make their way around the block, Stripes follows them closely, never lagging more than a few steps behind.