
Amazing Time-Lapse Video From Remote Locations: Journeys of an AstroPhotographer

Donna Ballard4/28/2014 7:54:32 am PDT

re: #279 William Barnett-Lewis

Its possible he was looking for a charging cell phone… We kept a charger plugged in and it has a light you can see at night. And that’s the last time that’s going to happen, btw! This whole thing is just so weird… The last time this happened was in the ’80s when we had the last recession that left a lot of people out of work… and desperate for money… Our neighborhood was a real armpit back then, but it got so much better in the ’90s and ’00s and we hadn’t had anything happen like this for so long we’d forgotten how bad things were back then… I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, but its really a bit surreal!