
Just Another Insanely Great Orchestral Jam at Some Guy's House: Louis Cole, "F It Up"

No Malarkey!11/01/2018 8:29:54 am PDT

re: #289 ObserverArt

Regarding the Franken mess, what pisses me off is how it all stands up now against what happened with Brett Kavanaugh?

Anyone notice how all the allegations went dead a day after Franken resigned?

And, how now the Republicans are calling the Democrats an angry mob because they brought up allegations against Kavanaugh. They are running damn political ads on it.

Meanwhile Franken is out and no one says a thing about it. Dome in by his own angry mob I guess.

Yeah, I am for fairness.

When are we going to get some?

There have been several Republicans done in by sex scandals. The Lamb victory in a special election was due to a GOP sexual predator resigning. The GOP Governor of Mo was ousted. We stole a US Senate seat in Bama because the GOP nominated a pedophile, and there are others, like the guy accused by his daughter of sexual abuse.