
A Powerful Statement From Malika Tirolien: "RISE"

A Mom Anon10/11/2020 8:15:55 am PDT

re: #287 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

I’ve been a mess. At first I figured we’d get some control over this rather quickly. And then the assholes started their lying shit and the cases and deaths began rising. Since May, I have been unable to eat much or sleep. I’ve lost 40 lbs. My hair is falling out, I cry every day at least once and my patience is shot. The sadness is overwhelming sometimes. I have lost interest in things I once loved to do. I’m trying not to let this hurt so much, but I think this pandemic has been so horribly handled by the White House magnified a lot of anxiety, hurt, anger and so much more. They are willfully trying to hurt us, to kill as many of us as possible in the time they have left.