
Joshua Redman: Tiny Desk Concert

ckkatz2/11/2024 9:32:18 am PST

re: #274 Eclectic Cyborg

Are there really any legitmate Democrats who will vote for Trump?

I would think any who don’t go for Biden would vote Green or third party of some shit instead of Trump.

(yes, I know third party votes are basically votes for Trump.)

Don’t know what a legitimate Democrat is.

But there are folks on the far left who are fine with putting tfg back in order to ‘smash’ the system.

And there are those who want to tack further left, even if it breaks the Biden coalition.

And there are those who view anyone to the right of them as lacking purity of ideology who should be shunned and cast out. Even if the ‘impure’ agree with and support our highest priorities.

Personally, I am all in for progressives and working towards a better future rather than some fictional past. But at this point I would like to just have our country and democracy survive long enough to make those improvements.