
Acoustic Guitar Maestro Tommy Emmanuel: "Sanitarium Shuffle" (from Endless Road)

darthstar6/24/2024 10:14:34 am PDT

re: #202 darthstar

So I take the wife’s car to the dealership for maintenance and they’re under Cyber attack and can’t do shit. I’m at 16% charge and pretty much booked so I go a few miles down the road to an EV-Go station. 4 out of the six chargers are out of order.

A woman in a Pulsar is asleep in the front seat and she wakes up and says she can leave. She sounds shit faced. She gets out of her car and starts trying to unplug it and is fighting the cable. Last thing I want is for her to fuck up the charger so I say hey, you got to end the session first so it will disengage.

Looks like it’ll take several days to resolve the cyber attack. 15,000 dealers impacted - they’re processing car sales by hand…