
Overnight Open Thread

NJDhockeyfan3/03/2011 9:46:12 am PST

re: #289 Obdicut

It’s true that inviting Amir Abdel Malik Ali is a bad idea. That guy sucks. His support for Hamas sucks. And saying that you don’t support his views, while inviting him, is dodgy as hell.

That doesn’t mean that people are allowed to condemn everyone there as a terrorist, tell them to ‘go home’, or any of this other ridiculous bullshit. Hell, Ali probably didn’t even say anything extreme, given the environment. He probably played moderate.


Lets look back just less than a year ago at what this ‘moderate’ said at UC Irvine.

May 13, 2010: In a speech titled “Death to Apartheid” during MSU’s “Israeli Apartheid Week” at UC Irvine, Malik Ali compared Jews to Nazis, expressed support for terrorist groups, accused supporters of Israel of “using” the Holocaust as an excuse to oppress Palestinians and called for the destruction of the “apartheid state of Israel.” At the beginning of his speech, Malik Ali called it a time of “celebration” for critics of Israel because people “are no longer being afraid of being called anti-Semitic.”

When asked during the Q&A session if he specifically supports Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad, Malik Ali answered “yes” each time. During his speech, he had repeatedly alleged that Israelis are the oppressors and Palestinians are the victims. After being asked why he calls for not dialoguing with Zionists, Malik Ali compared Jews to Nazis and stated that just like Jews wouldn’t have sat down for “tea and crumpets” with Nazis, Jews, who are “the new Nazis,” don’t deserve dialogue.

Malik Ali also praised students at UCI who had disrupted Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren during a speaking appearance on campus on February 8, 2010. Malik Ali noted that Oren “forfeited your right to free speech because you believe in ethnic cleansing, you believe in putting people in concentration camps that we call Gaza.”

Many more disgusting quotes at that link.