
Border Patrol Considers Putting Razor Wire on Nogales Fence

Kragar7/24/2013 10:20:58 am PDT

VDARE: Latinos Will Back Anti-Immigrant GOP Because They Want to Be White

Sailer writes that eventually, becoming the “White Party” will help Republicans gain support among Latinos and Asians who would rather join the White-GOP than the Democratic “Black Party.”

Just like Rep. Louie Gohmert , Sailer claims that the key to winning Hispanic support is opposing immigration reform.

“If Americans whites started treating themselves with self-respect (e.g., don’t roll over for illegal aliens with fifth-grade educations), the Latinos would more or less fall in line as they tried to be white in an American where whiteness is no longer demonized,” Sailer explains. “Hispanic and Asian voters should be encouraged to understand the central American political reality: they only get to choose between being the junior partners in the White Party or junior partners in the Black Party.”