
Sarah Palin Rushed to Defend Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson - Even Though She Had No Idea What He Said

A Mom Anon12/26/2013 3:40:02 pm PST

I hope you all have had a happy holiday. Mixed reviews here. I lost what I thought was a good friend over the idiot Duck Family nonsense, so yay. Now she and her new conservative buddy are posting all kinds of fucked up shit on Facebook and acting like Mean Girls in some stupid high school clique. 50 something year old women, acting like this over a fake redneck, duck serial killing, multimillionaire family. It’s fucking sad, and really, really weird. So um, yeah- go team Duck Cult. A smaller friends list, and a Happy New Year, eh.

On the flip side, I took The Teenager out for his first time driving today. He did pretty good for being scared and overwhelmed. I was glad I got to be there and help him through his anxiety before he goes to real driving school. We’ll go every day, weather permitting until he returns to school in Jan. I think back to the doctors that told me he might never read or talk or do much of anything when he was a little guy and I just wonder in amazement at this kid. Long journey ahead, but he keeps defying the odds. Kinda makes up for some of the stupid this world offers up.