
PBS Great Performances: Sting - the Last Ship (Full Concert)

Ian G.3/03/2014 6:46:02 am PST

Good morning, Lizards. It appears that Marco Rubio has ruled out force by the US in Crimea, and he’s usually a bellwether for the (nominally) sane GOP, but how many tweets from Caribou Barbie and Donald Trump have there been clucking about how Putin is a real man and Obama is a pussy?

On another note, I headed down to Floyd Bennett Field on Saturday afternoon in a quest to see a snowy owl. Given the record irruption of the birds this winter (one was spotted as far south as Florida), I didn’t want to let this opportunity pass. Sure enough, on the edge of the old runway, one was relaxing. The fiancee and I walked to within about 100 yards of it when it started watching us, and then took off, gliding low over the grass, until it found another spot to chill, further away from us.

I had never actually seen an owl in the wild before. I’ve heard Great Horned, Barred, and Screech Owls before, but always at like 2 AM, usually deep in the woods, and good luck seeing one under those conditions.