
Wednesday Night Acoustic Jam: Jon Gomm, Dance of the Last Rhino

Amory Blaine11/06/2014 7:48:55 am PST

Scott Walker victory opens doors for a new wave of conservative bills — and a presidential run

Emboldened by a decisive victory and expanded Republican majorities at the state Capitol, Gov. Scott Walker on Wednesday pushed for a new wave of conservative legislation and government overhauls as speculation heats up about him as a possible 2016 presidential contender.

Walker says he hopes to fast-track the state budget process, expand the taxpayer-funded school voucher program, require drug tests for those seeking food stamps and unemployment benefits, and continue income and property tax cuts.

“We’re going to be even more aggressive now,” Walker told members of his Cabinet on Wednesday at the Capitol. “Because I think we’ve got an even stronger ally in the Legislature.”
