
The Bob Cesca Podcast: I'm Bored With Me Too

Hecuba's daughter5/31/2023 8:24:27 am PDT

re: #171 Anymouse 🌹🏑😷

Senator Ted Cruz today signing on to a lawsuit by the Government of Mexico against Smith & Wesson.

Mexico asserts that Smith & Wesson enable drug cartels and criminals by selling weapons through cutouts and straw purchasers in the USA.

The case was decided against Mexico in district court on the grounds of the law which protects gun manufacturers from being sued. Mexico has appealed to the First Circuit, where a bunch of Republicans filed an amicus brief in favour of guns and support of murders in Mexico.

Let’s be fair: the Republicans are in favor of murders in the United States too. They are just being consistent; they want the entire world to be the hellhole America is regarding gun deaths.