
Huckabee Forgets the First Amendment of the US Constitution

jcbunga2/10/2009 7:10:21 pm PST

re: #61 shanester

Sorry, Charles… but I disagree.

The Constitution bans the ESTABLISHMENT of (an official state) religion. It does not ban religions, or even the funding of religions - as long as there is no real, palpable preference for one religion over the other.

As for the “wall” seperating Church and State? That’s not in the constitution.

The Constitution protects religions from government interference as much as protecting government from religious interference.

It is not unconstitutional to fund a religious program, etc… It is only unconstitutional to prefer one religion over the other. Unless you are a left-wing “living constitution” believer.

I have to agree, and I’m not a right wing holy roller. How does this language constitute Congress establishing a religion?

That’s the kind of massaging of the Constitution that has led to a host of wacko liberal living document nonsense. “So help me God”, “In God We Trust” are just two examples that send the far left frothing.

I’d agree that if Congress announced religion “x” was now the official religion of the nation it would time to freak.


When Congress