
Video: Glenn Beck Weeps to Paul Anka

SanFranciscoZionist10/15/2009 6:51:28 pm PDT

re: #71 eclectic infidel

Yes. That’s exactly what I was getting at. Women chained to a stove/denied access to employment & education, valued only by the productivity of their uterus; gay Americans forced into the closet, stripped of equal treatment in employment/housing; prayer forced back into public schools; increase in xenophobia; abortion outlawed, birth control restricted, etc.


Sexual and physical abuse dismissed and covered up for the sake of the ‘family’. Lynching. (How far back to we want to go with this?) Pregnant teenagers forced to give up their children in closed adoptions they had no voice in. Incessant smoking. No rights for the disabled or the retarded, often no education for these people. (How far back are we going?)

I mean, there’s a lot of good stuff back there too, don’t get me wrong, but this hazy-dazy crap is just silly. We are who we are. We are when we are. All we can do is be as good as we can be, which is what every previous generation of Americans had to do—and that worked out OK.