
Video: The Big Mist Take

winemaker11/25/2009 1:00:31 pm PST


You busted the Rathergate forgeries. The true believers behind that fraud tried to bury you and change the subject.

The story has broken this week about fraudulent climate change tree-ring data, and the collapse of the “hockey stick.”

Why are you so stubbornly avoiding the breaking climate change emails that lay out the conceal-the-evidence smoking gun? Dan Rather wrote off the obvious problems, that any high school kid could see, as being disposable because they were advanced by “partisans.” He also (laughingly, in hindsight) stood for “journalistic integrity.”

You try to stand for scientific integrity, so why the sound of silence from you, with this 900 lb newly-arrived gorilla in the room?

Don’t go Dan on us…
