
Video: James Dean and Ronald Reagan, Circa 1954

CuriousLurker4/20/2010 4:39:35 pm PDT

re: #228 Walter L. Newton

I have a honest question, for all. How many of you have had a real gun pulled on you? By someone who for all intensive purposes, would have used it?

How many of you have been mugged… in real bar fights where knives and/or guns have been pulled?

How many of you have been part of a major disaster, a tornado that tore half of your neighborhood apart, or a hurricane or earthquake, some situation where you actually had to live without services for a week or two.

Just wondering.

I’ve been robbed at knife point—arm around my neck form behind, knife to my throat. Highly unpleasant. Everything was strangely crystal clear and in slow-mo, like HDTV.

I was much younger then and managed to fight the guy off and escape with only some knots on my head (from punches) and a few scrapes & stitches from the knife. It was one of those folding knives, about 5” long. Luckily for me it was old, fairly dull and rusty, so it snapped in the middle at the hinge. The business end of it broke off in my grip and I got one good slice back at him on his shoulder. And a couple of good kicks (I was wearing boots).