
Hitchens: Cynicism by the Book

boxhead4/04/2011 7:43:20 pm PDT

re: #2 Summer

One thing that always struck me as completely irrational and illogical is: if God truly is almighty, then why would burning a book necessitate flawed human beings to carry out punishment for any offense he might feel? In fact, why would he even care? Do we actually get enraged when ants “dirty” something we hold dear? And if we do, do we call other ants to squash them?

God is supposed to be infinitely more power than I am towards an ant, so if I don’t get angry but God apparently does, doesn’t that make me far better than God?

It doesn’t make any sense. Then again, as an Atheist, maybe I just don’t “get it”…

amen…. It seems I use this same discussion point far too often. And nit just about books, about people trying to console an untimely family loss by saying God needed that person. God being omnipotent implies otherwise.