
Live Video: President Obama's Statement on Boston Marathon Bombings

Mattand4/15/2013 5:52:56 pm PDT

re: #215 Ian G.

I dumped a guy who posted a cartoon accusing Obama of knowingly aiding the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Queda. I wrote a response that included the f-bomb, and he got mad at me because his kids might have seen it.

I get that cursing in front of kids is unacceptable. Know what else is unacceptable: ACCUSING THE PRESIDENT OF WORKING WITH AL QUEDA. This jackass was utterly fine with his children seeing him make treasonous comments about the President.

I kept him around long enough to see what kind of meltdown he’d have over Obama getting re-elected. I then dropped him. Good timing as well, as Benghazi happened a few weeks later. That would have been really unpleasant.