
Another Stealth Creationist Bill in New Mexico

The Shadow Do2/20/2009 11:33:51 pm PST

re: #297 rustler

Your dog is already trained. In the wild Pups are first tought with growls and yips to indicate jobs well done or not then later they understand to look at the Alpha males and females in hte group for cues with regards to hunting. Training typically takes place verbally before it occurs thru signals.

Sorry, I don’t agree. Dogs don’t talk though they do vocalize when excited. They first learn by simple reward (I have food!) and then only later associate behaviors and rewards with sound. Yes it is a hunting behavior. Dogs communicate by tail position, ear set, etc. but aside from the threatining growl/bark don’t much rely on sound to message. “Sit” from a human means I get a biscuit or at least a pat on the head - watch the tail set, the ears, etc.

But it ain’t dog speak. Meet a dog as a dog and you have become a great dog trainer.