
Overnight Open Thread

razorbacker6/18/2009 4:27:53 am PDT

re: #286 3 wood

Commodity prices tend to be a leading indicator for the macro economy.

Study Finds Prices for Crops Ease

Looks like commodity prices are not down with the hope and change stuff yet.

I know that these financial folks keep their eyes on the prize, so to speak.

So I have to think that they are closely watching the Argentine and Brazil projected crop yields, and know the planting woes in the Canadian and US breadbaskets. If, as some weather forecasters are whispering, we have a delayed summer, or worse, no summer, in these areas I say that all bets are off.

Not to mention the Chinese wheat crop.

There just aren’t those huge stockpiles of the past. One failed year, or Gaia forbid two running failed years, will shake the world worse than $150/bbl oil.