
Washington Times Editor: Obama Was Educated at Yale

Throbert McGee9/08/2009 12:40:02 pm PDT

re: #221 Charles

You’re absolutely right — Pruden’s connections to white supremacist groups are very well known (and he’s not the only one at the Washington Times with those connections).

Whoa, did not know that. Evidently the WaTimes’s well-known dumping of editorialist Sam Francis some years back was purely for show. (The late Mr. Francis was particularly known for conspiracy-theorist obsessing about a vast Aztlan Movement* that was going to retake California and pretty much all of the American Southwest. But although it was ostensibly about immigration reform and better border control, at some point he went back to the I’m not a white supremacist, I’m just a “race realist” well once too often for the WT.)

*Not to be confused with scattered Aztlan nuttiness, which is demonstrably real.