
Iran's Manhattan Project Rushing Ahead

drcordell9/29/2009 11:40:27 am PDT

re: #292 Oh no…Sand People!

Believe me. I want you to be right. This really is an argument I want to be wrong on.

I agree with you completely. That’s what makes this such a contentious issue is that the margin for error is no joke. There are definitely lives hanging in the balance here.

I guess my main reluctance for further sabre-rattling at Iran is two-fold. First and foremost, it seems to me that threatening military action / regime change is only going to serve as a further catalyst for Iranian bomb development. The mullahs know that if they can announce they have a bomb, no military action to overthrow their regime is feasible.

And second, who knows exactly what would come from an invasion that results in the current regime being deposed. Yes Iran is currently a problem in the region. But they are a relatively stable problem, at least compared with Iraq and Pakistan. Overthrowing the current regime certainly doesn’t guarantee an outcome that is more favorable than the current situation. And I think alot of the current rhetoric doesn’t reflect this fact.