
Ridiculous Right Wing Nontroversy of the Day

SanFranciscoZionist12/23/2009 1:37:41 pm PST

re: #187 Guanxi88

Mao is not hated universally - the crimes and excesses of the Cultural Revolution were punished, in the form of the Gang of Four - after his death. They dared not move against him while he lived, but, for the record, Mao is more or less persona non grata. Maoist groups that spring up get stomped on with both feet, and almost NO ONE goes around spouting Maoism anymore.

Still, it may be different, here in the States. Maybe it really WAS some Chinese community group that gave the ornament. After all, I’m sure they’d have no feelings one way or the other about Mao.

I will eat a (small) cardboard box if it was a Chinese community group.

Just saying.