
Esquire: McCarthyism 2.0? The Right's Battle with ACORN

Dark_Falcon1/05/2010 7:44:39 pm PST

re: #281 Thanos

McCarthyism is where we got the Birchers and co, it’s why Eisenhower, who was arguably one of the best presidents we’ve ever had got trashed as being a secret commie.

Ike started the interstate highway system, started the federal desegregation fight, was the first Republican president to speak out firmly for civil rights, and started the space race and our staunch opposition to Communism.

True. That part I was not disputing. But it seems a hornet’s nest got kicked, and I had a part in the kicking. I think that I’m going to do some more research on Joe McCarthy before commenting on him again. I want to make sure I have a better grasp of the truth before speak to the issue again.